Friday, June 29, 2007

Great Video...

This is a really great short film for u guys to watch....espeacially for those who wants to enter the 'eight minutes short film' competition....this film has a very good storyline and is less than 8 mins...sooo watch it now.....Hope u'll enjoy!!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Coolio!!! Smalam2 fath yus ngan aku ( Harris), gi umah aku... Nga nak gi ternampat bat tak tangge...... Yusof nampak dulu.... Abe ade org ni plan nak tangkap...... So kite pon tangkap...... Pakai kotak pizzza hut.... Lepas da tangkap nak tengok tak dlm kotak takle...... So aku pegi balek umah amek cage( Hamster nye tapi hamster da mati) letak die dlm.... Punye la susa.... Degil nak mampoi..... Lepas 2 dudok bawa blok ngok bat 2, amek gamba seme ah.... Abe aku tanye bat mkn ape... Abe bdk pandai ni ckp makan insect ngan minom juice die.... Takpe..... Kte seme da mls nak carikkan die insect abe die terpakse puase..... Abe ade problem siket.... Takde org nak bawakbat 2 balek.... So kte simpan die kat parrepat tanggge....

Besok pagi.... Kte 3 dtg balek untok ngok the bat.... At first ingat bat 2 nga tido tapi da 1 jam tak bangon2 pon.... Goyangkan cage die pon tak work.... Bat 2 pon mati.... Sedeh se.... Kte kafankan die tros krong kebumikan... Naseb baek kte dpt namekan pet bet kte sebelom mati..... Namenye JAMES....

Bat biler dlm cage.....

First tym nampak....

Nga mls2, nak tido....

Monday, June 18, 2007

Funny SONGS....


white and nerdy


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Cool song...enjoy it!!!

My life is brilliant
What was I too early?
I’m sorry do u want to start over, or keep going?
Ok, now? Now?

My life is brilliant
Ur life’s a joke
Ur just pathetic
Ur always broke
Ur homemade star trek uniform
Really ain’t impressing me
You’re suffering from delusions of

You’re pitiful
You’re pitiful
You’re pitiful, it’s true

Never had a date
That ya couldn’t inflate
And ya smell repulsive too
What a bummer bei’n u

Well ya just can’t dance
And forget romance
Everybody u know
Still calls u
Farty pants
But u always have a job well I mean
As long as u can still work that slurpie machine

You’re pitiful
You’re pitiful
You’re pitiful, it’s true
U half undressed
Eaten chips off your chest
While your playing Halo 2
No one’s classier then u

Lalala la
Lalala la
Lalala la Looser

You’re pitiful
You’re pitiful
You’re pitiful, it’s true

Your dog would much rather
Play fetch by itself

You still live with your mom and your 42

Guess you’ll never grow a clue
What it just sucks to be you.

To Cameron / Negeri 9

E Trip 2 Cameron/ Negeri 9 Was Sooooo Damn Syoik la!!!!! Tak Gi Rugi Se. Mcm Org 2... Da Nak Tolong Bayarkan... Abe Action... Tak Nak Accept... STEP!.. Aniway...Ni gambar2 Untok Korang Yg Tak Gi..... ( Ngok Muke2 *Cough* hansem * Cough* Baek2 ).. HEHE...

Ni Kat Luar Musim Kat Negeri 9...

Bangon Pukol 5.30 Nak Get Ready....

Gambar Kat Bee farm....

Waterfall Lata Iskandar.....

Budak2 Hansem Kat Lua BOH Tea Center....

Gambar Laen Kat Bee Farm...

On E Way Nak Gi BOH Center..... TEA FIELD.....

Keluarge Angkat Kite, Khai, Nau, Ngan Luq Kat Negeri 9.....

Muke Nak Kene Rembat..... Lagi2 Khai.....

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Titans shoe commercial(pls comment).... da ade... lagu da ade.... skarg video plak ......
This is the video that we make for our english project.....
The shoe advertisement thing....
Hope u all will like it.....
(Turn up the volume to maximum to get the 'feel'......)
.......the URL=

Friday, June 8, 2007


Sori...currently blom ade bende utk post jadi post gamba dulu eh....

Thursday, June 7, 2007


Abu : Hawt/Gd lukin
Arshad : Gd Lukin/cute
Harris : cute/gd lukin
khairul: macho
Syaraf : hawt/macho
Irshad : intellectual/gd lukin
Ishak : Macho
Muhd : cute/Gd lukin
Haykal : Macho
Siddik : gd lukin
Shah : hawt/gd lukin
Syahid : cute
Arif : gd lukin/intellectual
Yusof : Hawt
Ismail : Macho
Harith : cute/intellectual
Luqman : hawt/intellectual
Alim : cute
Sufyan : hawt
Hafidz : gd lukin/cute

PLs Comment if doesnt agree..(the ones with the slash means that we are not sure witch one is more true)

SeC 3 iMaN UpDatES......

fRom oUr Mid-yeAr ResUlt, I Can seE tHaT MosT of uS haVe doNE a veRy GooD jOb..... I thInk, bY tHE enD of thE YeaR,tHe bOys cAn coNquEr tHe toP 10 Position for both classes(MinImUm = 7 boYz)

IttihAD.......QuwwA........ (=

By : IntEllAdz

Sunday, June 3, 2007
