Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Please do relink us now!
NOT IN capital LETTERS!!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
End of STE.
STE dah habis, alhamdulillah.
Boleh tahan lah papernya. Not as tough as what we expected. Kemungkinan besar sebab ramai yg doakan - guru-guru, ibu bapa, budak-budak Ihsan, level lain semua...
Thanks a lot for all of your support. Irsyadians rock! Hahah. And ada kemungkinan juga pasal kita dah berusaha sesungguh-sungguhnya... Sehinggakan qiyam throughout the STE journey, buat study group, etc...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Start sekolah.
Harap agar esok ada tenaga. Esok pasti ramai yang membaca al-quran kerana ketibaan Ramadhan.
Esok habis cuti. Esok solat tarawih. Esok saya rasa ustaz tazkirah tentang Ramadhan. Esok kantin tutup. Esok solat dhuha. Esok semua lapar. Itulah ESOK kita.
Sajak by the.....IMAN BOYS.
Wassalaamu 'alaikum.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Teachers' Day 2008
Back to update the blog. Sorry for keeping you guys waiting like mad. Anyways, today's post will mostly be about Teachers' Day celebration. And most peolple might say that pictures say a thousand words. But in this case, it's the video. And since videos are 'moving pictures', I'll personally say that...videos say a gazzillion words...
Okay, enough crapping. Let the videos do the talking...
The videos which the teachers watch in the musollah before the other performances were done outside.
Kk, selepas tu, S4 iman marching.
.....alright, done.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Apa khabar semue? Baik? Kiteorg pon same. Terime Kaseh.
Da lame jugak eh kiteorg tk update. Org baru prasan. Sori for the inconvenient.
Hmm.., sjk kiteorg tk update ni kan. Kan. Byk bende lah terjadi yg kiteorg buat. Byk sgt2.
Kesiannye, blog ni tidak di-update. Kesian. Tkpe lah, korg malas, biar aku yg update. Anytime blog nye skin pon aku tukar. Biar lagi meriah, harmuni dan hensem..
Last Sat, few weeks back. Kiteorg satu kelas gi East Coast. Celebration after prelim.. =D Tapi mesti lah. Ade segolongan org tk dtg. Ish3.. Tapi tkpe. Kiteorg still enjoy!!
Permandangan die best.
Air die best.
Pasir die best.
Org2 die best.
Situasi die best.
Kiteorg lagi3 best.
Sng ckp, semuenye best lah.
Yg best nye, kiteorg dpt tnm due org.. Best oi! Ambik gambar semue. Korg teke lah sendiri sape jadi sasaran kiteorg. Hehehe.. Pas tu kiteorg "sun bath". hahah XD Mcm phm se..
To Be Continue.. إلى لقاء
Monday, August 4, 2008
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
ustad adeda,uus da rizal...trima kasih!
hahahahah....teringat the great times pat camp..
karaoke la korg..
Tak seperti bintang di langit
Tak seperti indah pelangi
Karena diriku bukanlah mereka
Ku apa adanya
Dan wajahku memang begini
Sikapku jelas tak sempurna
Ku akui ku bukanlah mereka
Ku apa adanya
Menjadi diriku
Dengan segala kekurangan
Menjadi diriku
Atas kelebihanku.......
Terimalah aku
Seperti apa adanya
Aku hanya insan biasa
Ku pun tak sempurna
Tetap ku bangga
Atas apa yang ku punya
Setiap waktu ku nikmati
Anugerah hidup yang ku miliki
Saturday, May 31, 2008
ok...ABG'S here doing a public apology to all the netballers senior..the latest post tht was posted by 'ABG' was actually meant to be a joke..but then i have received alot of 'angry(?) responses to it either through the tagboard or was actually a clear joke bcause everybody knew that all the other madrasah can put on pre-u 2 players for their senior team..which make them to be a tougher team,physiclly n mentally...that is y our madrasah hav alot of difficulty getting any medals at all for the senior team..
but when i read the post back after getting this kind of responses..i too feel that i was being to harsh..n this kind of things arent meant to be joked about..n 4 sure...our madrasah will nt get the
IMG trophy if we're nt united or in other words,there's hatred between us... so i hereby apologise publically to all the netballers senior..we really apreaciate the hardwork that u girls hav put in just to make the school proud..BAXIA!(?).heh...our calss ..s4iman even produce a song to force u guys to forgive us..
do sing along to 'hayati'>>>
my heart was sad, remembering
all of the bad,that i was doing
ouh all netballers senior,pls accept this lament of god's hamber(hamba)
i confess ,all of my negativity
i regret, the weaknesses in me
i repent, all of my stupidity
girls pls accept*3,this apology
i already, went through a tym
of feeling guilty when doing a crime
because i was, being too harsh
to the netballers all from different class
pause,then *chorus*
at this point of tym i am begging of you
hoping you'll forgive all that i do
*chorus* till finish
Yoohoo.. 4get nk cite kan psl Haflah n Carnival..
Kiteorg nye performance.. Hmm.. Bagos lah..
Pas tu carnival.. Da di citekan..
Tapi.. ade satu bende die Tk citekan.. Percubaan Naufal n Abu menjadi cowboy..
Diorg bagos.. Lebih bagos dari org yg jage situ.. Step phm org tu. Act nk tunjokkan, tapi less than 10 secs da jatoh.. Kekek sey..
Friday, May 30, 2008
Goal=2 get shiny medals..
intermadrasah pn telah mule u all know...we,The Takraw Squad(all frm 4iman excpt 4 syamil who is more ABG than me)had contributed a shiny silvr medal 4 our school...kteorg sngaje dptkn second so dpt silver yg shiny ...kdg2 blh nmpk reflection...unlike we managed to get what we wanted as per normal....all that was needed to achieve our goal is the motto from our class goes....sesungguhnye DETERMINATION = SUCCESS...some of our classmates that took part in the soccer senior team had also contributed a bronze medal...they won third placing...i assume thatthey didnt get to b the champs 4 that event is bcoz most of them r nt from our they may nt belief that sesungguhnye DETERMINATION = SUCCESS,,,
n selain itu..students yg bkn dri our class pn made the school proud by getting gold 4 soccer junior...another gold 4 captains ball junior an a broze 4 netball training bdk2 pmpn paid off ar kn......lagi2 yg maen captainball n netball senior.....HAHAHAHHAHA...
jadi so far..our class paleng succesfull ar as we are the onli ones yg berjaye mendapat kn the SHINY SILVER MEDALS....hahahaha...yg laen sme dpr medal yg x shiny n nt reflectable(?)
akhir kate...all th best 4 the other inter madrasah gamers(?)...n try to make the school proud lyk the netballers n captain ballers senior team....HAHAHAHAHAHAH.jkjk...pls dont.
abg da nk retire.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
ORIGINAL POST...(NOT taken from
ABG here...updating another ORIGINAL POST..
Haflah & Family carnival day.
Waa..Berkali-kali aku dengar name HARMUNI.This year's carnival was better than last year's carnival as it didnt rain. But first of all, Haflah. Pagi-pagi da kene pressure. Script lepas da print, ade salah. Print lagi. Repeated printing dalam 7 kali. Laserjet babe. Abe main shredder. hehe.Haflah start pukol 9++. Bawah kemah cukup memanaskan. Pulak tu kene pakai blazer. Naik turon stage, bukan utk mek hadiah tapi MC, lagi memeluhkan. After Haflah, gi makan Nasi Ayam free. Lepas tu kene buat kerje. Transfer beras, gula kasar, minyak, dengan santan cap HARMUNI kat stage carnival. Then jalan-jalan. Gi teman Hafidz buat Gingerbread Man die. Abe aku sorang yang kene layan Hafidz. (Yang lain sme ade kerje.) Nak balloon la ape la. Nak buat Gingerbread Man pn malu. Maklumlaa...haha.Zuhur da masuk. Azan kedengaran. Dewan maseh penuh. Ade pakcik ni da tanye mcm mane nk solat. Aku nak microphone. Da dapat, da halau sume da. Solat. Pakcik tadi tu qamat. Then dabes, anak pakcik tu dudok sebelah aku. Aku mcm kenal, tanye ah, 9, 7 4 ape?? Haha. Code babe.Kk da. Then jage games stall ganti Takzim. Sekejap je. Then gi jage stall air. Si Amal tanye question sameee je. Bah nak pilih air pn susah. Suro Amal pass on a message. Tipu siket ah. Then Naufal dgn Abu suro belikan pape makanan. Aku dgn Hafidz da beli sume, gi kacau budak Ihsan jap. Beli waffle dgn berlambak-lambak barang and toppings. Honneh naik fed-up. Then ade delivery sampai- Gingerbread Man with a 'H' on it & a message. Aku tersenyum tgk message tu. Rupenye, die percaye message yang aku suro Amal pass tu. Thanks btw.Lepas tu, carnival dabes, tapi makanan belom. Habeskn coupon yang Zaimah bagi (credits to Zaimah). Then Mais ajak balik, tknk ah, nnt kene stalk. haha. Then told her yang adek die maybe bilang bapak die what happened. Then solat Asar, balik.-Time aku tengah post this post, Mais, together with her cute adek, picit bell. Hahaha. Not to stalk but to bagi baju PE yang aku suro amekkn. Thank Mais. Haha. Da, nak sarapan. Lapar.
Baik hati Harmuni.
signing off wif an ORIGINAL POST..
Monday, May 19, 2008
The Makings Of Hang Najis...HAHAHAHAHAH promised..ABG disini akn upd8 paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanjang skali.
k da xde idea da skarang.hahahaha.(i know .its getting lamer by the second).
jadi ...Abg akn tunjok adek2 crite yg paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaleng interesting yg ABG pernah tontoni(grammar??hahaha) di SURIA (sentiasa bersinar/Senyum2 selalu)..title crite ni adelah tittle 4 this post yg pat atas tu....crite de cool tau.ade lawan2 lagi. crite de panjang adek2 nk fest vid is crite de part one...second vid is de crite part two....ENJOY!!!!!
(mungken video de will buffer for quite a long minimize this page...then lpas da buffered fully..tgk ar...n volume bkk besar2 cket)
hahahhahaahhaa...konfem adek2 x bdk besar2 pnye crite klu x phm mknene blm layak ar dpt ic.heheh.
singing off-ABG.
Blog Updated
k ....da xde idea lagi..
haha..till we meet again next tym.
signing off-ABG.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Irsyad Hi-Tea

Welcome back..
Now, we will continue wif our next story..
Hmm..., this time, we will tell you about our experience helping at Irsyad Hi-Tea at Le Meridien Hotel..
K.. Sampai kat sane.. Kan kiteorg first time dtg kat hotel tu.. Mcm jakon lah.. Jln sane sini.. Lagi2 toilet die.. Mcm kat Hogwart gitu.. Me forget the spell utk kluar kan air dari pipe.. Tapi Hafidz tau spell die..
Abe kiteorg semue buat keje at our individuals position..
Then the story continue..
Sampai kol 4..
Taufik pon dtg.. tapi org yg jage booth mcm tk prasan die lalu..
Ape lagi.. Kiteorg semue excited nmpk die.. Hehehe...
Lepas tu Cik Malina mintak izin Taufik utk ambik gambar ngan die.. Abe die bagi..
Ape lagi.., kiteorg recruit ah semue budak Irsyad.. Ambik gambar ngan die..
Best...!!!! Mesti byk yg jealous.. Tau punye.. Jgn marah.. =)
O yah.. Exciting news..
Korg agak auction for VCD Taufik n poster wif autograph n taking photo together dpt sampai brape?
100? 200? Nope..
1000? 2000? Nah...
$5500....!!!! Lagi2 ade due org.. BAYANGKAN..!!!
Byk kan.. More than 2 months' salary.. Tapi of course diorg buat utk tlg Fund Irsyad..
Abe time balik kiteorg diberi green light utk abeskan mknan..
Ape lagi.. Berpinggan-pinggan kiteorg mkn.. Abe ade org tegor.. Malu se.. Hehehe..
Tapi, ape kiteorg kesah.. Kiteorg tetap bedal..
Mknan die boleh thn...
Abe time balik the girls ambik gambar ngan AA Gym ngan Vocalist kumpulan Danielle..
Sampai situ jek.. Then kiteorg pack-up, balik skolah tarok bende n kiteorg pon balik rumah..
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Ahmad, sahabat seperjuangan yang berwibawe..
Tk kan kami lupakan dirimu wahai Kawanku.. ='(
Telah ikot bersama mu sahabat2 kecil mu..
mati jihad fil tank..
Tapi tkpe.. Korg selame ni da tmnkan kami dlm kelas..
Kami thankful dgn awk2 semue..
Kite akn sentiase mengenangmu dlm kengangan silam kita..
Marilah same2 mengharapkan die tergolong antare golongan ikan-ikan yg beriman..
Ouh.. Pilu..
AHMAD..!!! )';
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Qiyam P6 featuring Sec 4
Sori to all the readers out there..
Bukannye kiteorg tk nk update.., abe busy..
Busy wif everything.. Like always.. Mcm tk biase gitu..
K k.., tk yah waste time. Meh kite story2....
Ok., smlm kiteorg qiyam ngan P6.
n kiteorg kene buat acting n forum perdana..
Generally, kiteorg pakai words sendiri time berlakon..
Mcm natural gitu.. Berbakat.. =P
K, FYI :
Kiteorg buat cite concentrated on life bile P6 nk masok sec 1 n pade awl2 sec 1.
Soo..., terhasil lah cite " Kehidupan Razif ".
Generally kelas kt bangge ngan hasil ktorg..
Tk tau lah org kat luar tu...
K lah..
So, org yg da tgk cite kiteorg. Boleh bagi comment tk? Is it gd?
Can leave ur comment kat tagboard..
And sesape yg nk tgk ktorg acting lagi,
jgn lupe tonton kiteorg kat Suria pukol 2630... Exclusive...!!!!!! Jgn terlepas peluang..
Atau boleh call kelas kite.. at 1932-SEC-4-IMANZ
Ceh..., mcm phm gitu...
Sunday, February 10, 2008
The new kid
I forgot to mention to you guys that we have a new classmate who just transferred in a few weeks ago.
His name is Ahmad.
Handsome tau.
But.....he tends to lose concentration in class at times.
Nanti teacher ajar die tak pay attention.
Firstly, let me tell you a thing or two about him.
He's the youngest in the class.
He's a great swimmer.
He's a fighter.
By the way, lupe nak bilang. Ahmad is a fish.....a fighting fish.....
He belongs to last year's new kid, Ismail....
Die tak makan due hari boleh hidup tau....hebat kan?!?
K lah, that's all. Korg kenal2 uh ngan Ahmad bile2 nanti.
Ingat Allah selalu....=)
Oryt, chow!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
We're back and we're still on!!
To our faithful fans, we're back!
Uhh....give me an idea on what to update on...
Hmm....upcoming tests?? Chemistry test is on Monday. Our math test is on Tuesday. Physics is on Wednesday (Wensday). Better revise.
And to the S4 imanians, don't forget to write your new Yasin verses. Jgn buat last minute.
And read Faraidh's new topic which is on....something to do with khunsa, i guess...go check with ur fellow classmates.
Oh yah, and sajak. Buat tau.
And let's make our today better than our yesterday, and our tomorrow better than our today. Sorry, bad language.
Btw guys, don't forget to continue with the decorations. All the best.
Friday, January 4, 2008
s4iman gonna throw rocks at -people who tries stop Us from being the TOP-....
rocks gonna be thrown
at -people who tries to stop s4iman from being the TOP- by Us...
new delilah remix........n....NEW DETERMINATION LEVEL....